

‘Hanabi’ or sparkler, is also the Japanese name for fireworks, an important part of summer festivals. Its design is inspired by a sliver of fabric discovered by Tory and Robert in a small fabric reference book they found on their trip to Japan.

  • Composition: 100% LINEN
  • Printed Width: 137.5 cm - 54 1/8 in
  • Pattern Repeat: V: 21.5 cm - 8 1/2 in, H: 45.5 cm - 17 7/8 in
  • Joining Width: 136 cm - 53 1/2 in
Note: We advise that fabric batches may vary, please request a stock sample prior to ordering. Most fabrics are in stock, but do check on current availability. Measurements given are approximate. The joining width measurement is based on one join, if you require more than one join please contact us for further information. If you require a sample outside the UK please email: web@robertkime.com. Copyright © Robert Kime 2022.